Well, I suppose you could call this the "Credits" section, I just thought "thanks" would sound a little better. But, there isn't really much to tell. This site is run by one person and one person only, me (However, I will accept help if anyone offers... heh heh...)

Me and my friend started our own little "KnightSite" thingy a year ago and thought we were doing something cool that no one else was doing. We were wrong. There are many other KnightSites' out there so don't think we made em'. Right now, this is my only site. If by some freak accident of nature there exists some other Acriact, I want you to set them straight. I already have my Tolkien site up and when it's ready to be seen by eyes other than mine, Ill post the link. Quite frankly, this site gets on my nerves when I don't get feedback and I end up destroying it for disk space.

Well, I don't know where I was going with that, this is, after all, a credits section. It comes down to this: I, Acriact, have done everything for this site. I will continue to do everything for the rest of eternity. So if you think the site is great, I get the credit. If you think it sucks, well then, I suppose I'll find someone else to blame...