-Criteria for Submitting Work-


I'm not looking for anything in particular, but they must be about current events or if they talk about something from the past, then it must relate it to what's happening today. I prefer world news and politics over sports and fashion, but anything will do.


I look for length and complexity. If it's not over 50 MS Word pages, then don't send it in as a book. It also shouldn't be 50 pages of nonsense about your dog Fi Fi or something. Anything else will be fine and there is no preference on the genre. These do, however, recieve special treatment since I will customize the page to the writer's preference. Any images or downloads they wish to accompany their piece of work will be put up. The book will also be broken down into chapters for online reading and will be available in it's entirety both online and in a ZIP file.


I don't care what they are about, just make sure they're well written.

-Fan Fiction-

If you ever wanted to write about your favorite game or even make a continuation of a story for a book you read, this is for you. There are no preferences I have any anything would be accepted.


These are about the only actual downloadable item I'll accept (other than what you send in using ZIP files and whatnot.) It doesn't matter what type of game (thought I prefer RPGs) and what stage of completion the game is in. Demos, quick write-ups, and even concept art are fine.


Any genre is accepted and there are no rules I have for these.


Again, there is no particular thing I look for when choosing poetry for this site. It can be about any topic and as focused or abstract as you like.


If you wanted to write a review for a movie or your favorite game, book, etc., then send it on in! I have no preference for content.

-Short Stories-

I consider short stories 50 pages or less. Basically, the same things apply to this as do a book, but these are just somewhat shorter in length. I'm also a bit more lenient when it comes to plot development and detail than I am when it comes to books.

-Music/Images/Other Downloadables-

Uriact will handle these down yonder at the Haiabusa homepage.

One thing I fell is necessary to say is that I will NOT accept submissions with questionable (sexual) content. If I feel that it is in appropriate for youngsters, then I will not even allow it on this site.

-Mail Acriact-